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Persuasive Technology
Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do

von B.J. Fogg

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Fogg erfindet kurzerhand eine neue Forschungsdisziplin, die er auf den klangvollen Namen "Captology" tauft (womit er sich schon einmal als geschickter Marketing-Stratege erweist). Es dabei um die Frage, wie Menschen durch die moderne Kommunikationstechnologien manipuliert oder sagen wir es freundlicher: beeinflusst werden. Das wichtigste Wort in dem Buch ist "persuasion", zu deutsch: Überredungskunst. Fogg analysiert sehr scharfsinnig die klassichen Wege der Überredung - Belohnungen, Argumente, soziale Beeinflussung usw. -, und sucht (und findet) zahlreiche Beispiele für ihre Anwendungen in den neuen Medien. Weiter schlüsselt er auf, welche Faktoren die Wirkung persuasiver Botschaften beeinflussen (Zeitpunkt der Intervention, Individualisierbarkeit, Glaubwürdigkeit der Quelle etc.). Dabei sieht er durchaus die moralischen Probleme, die sich aus diesen Möglichkeiten ergeben. Er widmet deshalb der Frage der Ethik von Beeinflussungsversuchen ein eigenes Kapitel.

Trotz der Komplexität des Themas ist das Buch verständlich und anschaulich geschrieben. Es enthält nicht nur theoretisch-konzeptionelles, sondern auch zahlreiche praktische Beispiele.

Summa summarum ein Buch, das man gelesen haben sollte, wenn man im Web für Vertrauen sorgen, Produkte verkaufen, oder seine Besucher in irgendeiner Form beeinflussen möchte (und wer möchte das nicht).

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This is the only book to offer a full treatment of the emerging science of "captology" - the author's coinage for computer-assisted persuasive technology. In the future, says the author, we all will use hardware and software designed to operate at a psychological level to shape our behaviour - to get us to stop smoking, stick to a budget, get in shape and much more.

Though it will be of interest to CHI and other cognitive science researchers, Persuasive Computing is directed primarily to the many engineers, designers and businesspeople with a solid stake in incorporating persuasive capabilities into their products and technologies. It is a practical minded introduction to the psychological principles by which computer technology can persuade and to the techniques by which these principles can be adapted and applied.



Introduction - Persuasion in the Digital Age: Persuasion on the Web / Beyond the Web / The Emergence of "Captology" / Advantage over Traditional Media: Interactiviy / Advantages Over Human Persuaders

Chapter 1 - Overview of Captology: Defining Persuasion / Focus on the Human-Computer-Relationship / Persuasion is Based in Intentions, Not Outcomes / Levels of Persuasion: Macro and Micro

Chapter 2 - The Functional Triad: Computers in Persuasive Roles / Roles Computers Play / Applying the Functional Triad to Captology

Chapter 3 - Computers as Persuasive Tools: Seven Types of Persuasive Technology Tools / Reduction Technology: Persuading Through Simplifying / Tunneling Technology: Guided Persuasion / Tailoring Technology: Persuasion Through Customization / Suggestion Technology: Intervening at the Right Time / Self Monitoring Technology: Taking the Tedium Out of Tracking / Conditioning Technology: Reinforcing Target Behaviors / The Right Persuasive Tool(s) for the Job

Chapter 4 - Computers as Persuasive Media: Simulation / Persuading Through Computer Simulation / Cause-and-Effect Simulations: Offering Exploration and Insight / Environment Simulations: Creating Spaces for Persuasive Experiences / Object Simulations: Providing Experiences in Everyday Context

Chapter 5 - Computers as Persuasive Social Actors: Five Types of Social Cues / Persuasion Through Physical Cues / Using Psychological Cues to Persuade / Influencing Thzrough Language / Social Dynamics / Persuading by Adopting Social Roles / Social Cues: Handle With Care

Chapter 6 - Credibility and Computers: What is Credibility? / When Credibility Matters in Human-Computer Interaction / Four Tyoes of Credibility / Dynamics of Computer Credibility / Errors in Credibility Evaluations / Appropriate Credibility Perceptions / The Future of Computer Credibility

Chapter 7 - Credibility and the World Wide Web: The Importance of Web Credibility / Variability of Web Credibility / Two Sides of Web Crediblity / The Standord Web Credibility Studies / Trustworthiness and Expertise on the Web / Four Types of Web Credibility / The Web Credibility Framework / The Web Credibility Grid / The Future of Web Credibility Research and Design

Chapter 8 - Increasing Persuasion through Mobility and Connectivity: Intervening at the Right Time and Place / Persuasion through Mobile Technology / Persuasion through Connected Technology / The Future of Mobile and Connected Persuasive Technology

Chapter 9 - The Ethics of Persuasive Technology: Is Persuasion Unethical? / Unique Ethical Concerns Related to Persuasive Technology / Intentins, Methods and Outcomes: Three Areas Worthy of Inquiry / When Persuasion Targets Vulnerable Groups / Stakeholdre Analysis: A Methodology for Analyzing Ethics / Education is Key

Chapter 10 - Captology: Looking Forward


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B. J. Fogg: Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do, Taschenbuch, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 312 Seiten, erschienen Dezember 2001, Preis 32.75 EUR.

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